Importance of Being Urniest
OK- I couldn't help making the pun.
I have had the honor of making cremation urns for a couple of people, and for a couple of pets. It's an amazing thing to be part of a stranger's grieving process, even if only in an indirect way.
In my research to make a "good" urn (the right size, a proper lid, etc.), I found that there was a large number of factory made pieces for prices that ranged up to several hundred dollars. I was later contacted by a purveyor of hand made urns that was interested in carrying my work, but a little research revealed that certain wholesales charged in the thousands.

As a crafts person, I definitely don't want to deny anyone from commanding a reasonable price for their art. Charging 5-10 times the normal price to someone at the worst time in their life, however, is simple predation.
I don't want to sound like I'm on a noble mission looking down on the masses, but providing an affordable and attractive option seems like something that crafts people can do to help someone out. Our culture's aversion to the topic of death does not dissuade those who would exploit people in their time of need, but it sometimes does discourage a good crafts person that doesn't want to appear ghoulish.